Friday, April 9, 2010

Titus: Hope

"A faith and Knowledge resting on the hope of eternal life." So what is hope? We use that word all the time. "I hope it's sunny tomorrow." "I hope the kids behave." "I hope that someday I actually get caught-up on my blogging (5 blogs in and I'm only on day 2, argh!!)."

So how do we explain a word like hope? I like those kind of words; like faith and love. They are such tiny words, that everyone thinks they know how to explain, but we usually don't quite get it.
This word "hope" in the Bible can't be anything like the way we use it. We use it like a wish; or something we want to happen, but there is no real guarantee. In this passage it says that our faith and knowledge are resting on hope. That sounds like it has settled in, as if to say, "What a relief!" This is a hope that is solid not a guess or wish. One of the ladies in our class called it a foundation for action. I like that. The way we use "hope" is kind of a wait and see attitude, but the hope of the Bible has no waiting involved. It says we should go ahead and take action because we have a guarantee. That is exactly what these Cretans need; a real guarantee.

And look who is backing that guarantee; God himself. Did you see the description of God? It's a big duh! He is the God "who doesn't lie." Well it is a "duh" to us, but an important thing to mention to the Cretans (who lie all the time). Now he says that this God, who doesn't lie has promised. And this isn't an ordinary promise, and not just because God made it (and can back it up), but because it says He promised before the beginning of time. Sometimes we make promises in the heat of the moment; like we are trying to get someone to believe us. My kids say things like, "If you let me go play now; I promise to clean my room later." Or, "If you let it slide this time; I promise I'll never do it again." But God doesn't have any conditions on His promise. He made the promise way in advance of our situations. In Romans 5:8 it tells us that, "God demonstrated His love for us in this; while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." God is always so far ahead of us. The Cretans (as well as the rest of us) are usually reactive type people. Our promises come more out of whatever situation we find ourselves in. God promised us (developed a contract) before we were born. He's not reacting to anything we did, good or bad, He simply says, " here is the contract (promise), just sign on the bottom line. And He does that in His "season." "At His appointed season He brought His word to light..."(Titus 1:3).

Speaking of seasons, Spring has finally come to our area. I really don't like Winter!! I have already suffered the 6-7 month Winters of the north for way too many years. Now that I live in a more southern climate, I think to myself, "why did I allow myself to suffer so long in the freezing cold, when all it took was a decision to move?" Are you stuck in the Winter of your life? Maybe it's time for Spring? All it takes is a decision to move. After all, the Bible does say that We are all Cretans and have fallen short of the Glory of God. And that God so loved all of us Cretans that He gave his only son, that if any Cretan would believe in the promise of God; then he would see Spring. Okay, so I doctored that up a bit, but what do you expect from a Cretan like me. But seriously, if you don't know how to get out of Winter; then write me a comment and I would be glad to help.

Until later, I'm enjoying 70 degrees, green grass, and my garden is half planted! God is Good!!!


  1. That picture of Tabitha cracks me up!!! It totally captures her!

  2. i love it too. makes me laugh because i was there to see it!
