So what is this knowledge? There are generally 2 main versions of the word knowledge that are used in the Bible and for you Greek Freaks they are Epignosis and Gnosis. The difference between the two is really easy to understand. It's like when a parent is lecturing a teen about their behavior and the teen replies with, "I know, I know!!"
And then Mom or Dad says, "If you know it; then why don't you do it!!" The Teen version, (I know, I know) is the Gnosis type of knowledge. But Mom and Dad want the Epignosis type of knowledge. We would probably call it wisdom. That is the "knowledge" (Epignosis)used in this verse. It is like taking your Gnosis (what you have learned) and putting it into practice. Well, it's a little more than that. It's more like the things we learn or believe become a part of who we are. That's why it says that it leads to godliness.
I remember talking to a teen years ago when I was working with some migrant workers who spoke only Spanish. She had 4 years of Spanish in high school; while I had only ten months in the school of "Como se dice" (how do you say this?). She knew more Spanish words than I did and she knew the proper way to use them, but when it came down to actually having a conversation with someone who spoke only Spanish; she couldn't do it. I, on-the-other-hand, could have a conversation (though I'm sure I sounded like a 3 yr old) and even picked-up the Spanish accent, and was able to help start a growing ministry to the migrant workers in Michigan. I didn't know a lot of Spanish, but what little I knew, I used.
We need to remember that Titus is dealing with people who don't trust anyone and have already "heard" several different versions of the truth. Paul is telling Titus (and us) that people need to see what you know and believe; not just hear it. I like to think of it like an acorn. Inside that acorn is an entire oak tree, but if it never comes out; how would anyone ever see it and believe. So, grow little acorn; grow!! (Boy that was a corny ending)
Great stuff so far! The picture is great too. (I think I took that one) :-)