This one almost slid right by me. I mean "sound doctrine," everybody knows what that is. So when Paul said to encourage and refute by "sound doctrine," I didn't even pause. I kept on cruising until I hit verse 13 where it says,"...rebuke them sharply, so they will be sound in the faith." That got my attention and slowed me down a little, but it was full on brakes baby when I hit the beginning of chapter 2 and it said to teach in accord with sound doctrine. 3 times in that small amount of writing tells me that this is heavy on Paul's mind and probably more important than I thought. So what's the deal? What is sound doctrine?
Most of us would say that it is one's beliefs or the belief of a certain religion. Well that is close to right, but that is the definition of doctrine. So what does he mean when he says "sound." Greek Freak alert!!! Sound in Greek is hygiaino, which is where we get our word hygene. It means to be well or of good health. You could say that Paul means a "healthy Doctrine."
So here's the deal, the people of Crete have been given an unhealthy doctrine filled with Jewish myths. And yes, like a bad pill, they swallowed it. And just how did they get them to swallow bad meds? Yep, they put a little sugar in it. A little doctrine mixed with a batch of Jewish myth, and their you have it; a poisonous religion that feels good going down.
Speaking of bad meds, I was forced to do some research on the Wicca religion (forced because a teen I spoke with was in to that). The Wicca religion (which has a bunch of earth worshiping, live in harmony beliefs) is hard to nail down, because their "faith" varies with each believer. They basically say that if it feels good, and doesn't hurt anyone, then it's all good. So how do they draw people in to their "Religion"? They make them feel good.
The other day I heard on the radio (Christian radio) about a drug that is capable of giving off something like a spiritual high (I think from Christianity Today "The end of Christianity as we know it").
So what's the point? Well, let me find my soap box and get to preachin!! Too many churches are focused on creating some spiritual experience to make people feel good at church. Too many people judging churches based on how good they feel while they are there. And too many pastors who are more concerned about telling cute stories or funny jokes than they are about teaching any doctrine. What can we give to people that they can't get somewhere else. If we think we can compete on the "feel good" level; then we are just plain nuts. People will more quickly run to immediate happiness long before a commitment to long term joy. That is what the people of Crete were doing, and Titus was trying to make them feel good about avoiding those things. Just say no. Oh yeah, that makes you feel good!! Paul says that you've got to give them something, and not just doctrine, but healthy doctrine. I think we do church backwards. I think that praise and worship should come after the preaching of the word. If you look in scripture; you will find that people worshiped after God did something or after the word was read. David danced, but only after God brought the arc of the covenant back. Josiah tore his robe and worshiped after someone read the book of the law that Moses wrote. Now you know that wasn't "feel good" reading.
I like watching the T.V. show "House". I guess I like arrogant people. In that show the doctors are always following the symptoms to find out what is wrong. They don't try to treat the symptoms, but they treat the source. I remember one episode where the patient lost sight in one eye, which was like symptom number 7 of whatever was killing this person. One of the underling doctors wanted to run some test to try and save the eye, but House responds with, "Sure go ahead and save the eye. He'll be dead in 24 hours, but at least he will have two good eyes." House understands that the source is what causes the symptoms. The symptoms never cause the source. So why be preoccupied with the symptoms. Paul is telling Titus (and of course us) to stop focusing on the fact that people are following the wrong things or going in the wrong direction. Stop trying to make people feel good. "Teach what is in accord with sound doctrine." Don't teach what they want to here; don't teach to the symptoms; teach what will heal them. Give them the meds no matter how bad they taste. We must learn how to be healthy! This ain't no "take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning."
If we are healthy at the core, then we can live healthy lives. But if the doctor (pastor) we are seeing is treating us for a skin rash instead of trying to save our lives; then we better see a different doctor. However, if the doctor is trying to give us some tuff meds because it is what we need to live sound (healthy) lives; then we should shut-up, take our meds and praise God for a man who cares enough to give us what we need.
Most of us would say that it is one's beliefs or the belief of a certain religion. Well that is close to right, but that is the definition of doctrine. So what does he mean when he says "sound." Greek Freak alert!!! Sound in Greek is hygiaino, which is where we get our word hygene. It means to be well or of good health. You could say that Paul means a "healthy Doctrine."
So here's the deal, the people of Crete have been given an unhealthy doctrine filled with Jewish myths. And yes, like a bad pill, they swallowed it. And just how did they get them to swallow bad meds? Yep, they put a little sugar in it. A little doctrine mixed with a batch of Jewish myth, and their you have it; a poisonous religion that feels good going down.
Speaking of bad meds, I was forced to do some research on the Wicca religion (forced because a teen I spoke with was in to that). The Wicca religion (which has a bunch of earth worshiping, live in harmony beliefs) is hard to nail down, because their "faith" varies with each believer. They basically say that if it feels good, and doesn't hurt anyone, then it's all good. So how do they draw people in to their "Religion"? They make them feel good.
The other day I heard on the radio (Christian radio) about a drug that is capable of giving off something like a spiritual high (I think from Christianity Today "The end of Christianity as we know it").
So what's the point? Well, let me find my soap box and get to preachin!! Too many churches are focused on creating some spiritual experience to make people feel good at church. Too many people judging churches based on how good they feel while they are there. And too many pastors who are more concerned about telling cute stories or funny jokes than they are about teaching any doctrine. What can we give to people that they can't get somewhere else. If we think we can compete on the "feel good" level; then we are just plain nuts. People will more quickly run to immediate happiness long before a commitment to long term joy. That is what the people of Crete were doing, and Titus was trying to make them feel good about avoiding those things. Just say no. Oh yeah, that makes you feel good!! Paul says that you've got to give them something, and not just doctrine, but healthy doctrine. I think we do church backwards. I think that praise and worship should come after the preaching of the word. If you look in scripture; you will find that people worshiped after God did something or after the word was read. David danced, but only after God brought the arc of the covenant back. Josiah tore his robe and worshiped after someone read the book of the law that Moses wrote. Now you know that wasn't "feel good" reading.
I like watching the T.V. show "House". I guess I like arrogant people. In that show the doctors are always following the symptoms to find out what is wrong. They don't try to treat the symptoms, but they treat the source. I remember one episode where the patient lost sight in one eye, which was like symptom number 7 of whatever was killing this person. One of the underling doctors wanted to run some test to try and save the eye, but House responds with, "Sure go ahead and save the eye. He'll be dead in 24 hours, but at least he will have two good eyes." House understands that the source is what causes the symptoms. The symptoms never cause the source. So why be preoccupied with the symptoms. Paul is telling Titus (and of course us) to stop focusing on the fact that people are following the wrong things or going in the wrong direction. Stop trying to make people feel good. "Teach what is in accord with sound doctrine." Don't teach what they want to here; don't teach to the symptoms; teach what will heal them. Give them the meds no matter how bad they taste. We must learn how to be healthy! This ain't no "take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning."
If we are healthy at the core, then we can live healthy lives. But if the doctor (pastor) we are seeing is treating us for a skin rash instead of trying to save our lives; then we better see a different doctor. However, if the doctor is trying to give us some tuff meds because it is what we need to live sound (healthy) lives; then we should shut-up, take our meds and praise God for a man who cares enough to give us what we need.
Sound Doctrine: it does the body GOOD!!!!
We were just talking about the "path to righteousness" the other day in our small group. One of the things we discussed was making short term decisions. We tend to make decisions that only affect what is directly in front of us. (the feel good part you mentioned). When we step back and make a Godly decision, we look at His path instead of the "feel good" decision.