likewise, ditto, yeah what he said, et tu ladies. That's right, Paul says basically the same thing to the older ladies as he did to the older men. But it is a little different. Well of course it's different, women are different, but the message is still pretty much the same. He says that the older women should be reverent in the way they live. That sure sounds alot like "worthy of respect." And that word "reverent" is the word "hieroprepeis" in the Greek, which doesn't sound real pretty, but it plays well. It breaks down into "heiros" which means sacred, and is also used in the NAS to refer to the temple. The other part, "prepo" means to be or become suitable. Paul tells them to live like they are a suitable temple, which is the same word that was used of a priestess. Same gig as the guys, but a more beautiful way to say it.
Then he tells them not to slander or be addicted to wine. Now the wine thing we saw already with the guys in a little different form. It's still all the same, and uses the Greek for being a slave to wine. But that part about slandering is specific to the women. No I didn't say that only women slander or gossip, but apparently it needed to be addressed here. So how bad is gossip? Well, the Greek word for it is "diabolous" which is where we get words like diabolical, but also the same word used for the Devil. We tend to act like gossip is no big deal, but that's what Satan does. How can we just brush it off as nothing when it brings us to the same playing ground as Satan? Yet, we fall right into it. We like to hear it and we like to spread it. What is wrong with us? Maybe we could stop if we just pictured Satan grinning ear to ear everytime we go to gossip or hear gossip. Even if we have to imagine the red suit and pitch fork!
Then Paul tells them that it is so they can train the younger women. That word train is interesting as well. The word in Greek is "sophronizo." Now that word can be translated into "train" or even "encourage." It also looks a lot like the Greek word "sophron" which we saw in connection with the Older men when they are told to be self-controled. So, this word means to restore one to his senses. The difference between the usage for the men and for the women is that the first one tells them to be an example for the young men. Guys tend to look for a role model. We watch; we learn; we copy. The second one (to the women) places emphasis on being there to help. It is more personal training; not just teaching. This is support and encouragement and that is definately something that women are good at.
As Men and Women we are obviously very different, but God's expectations are still very much the same. Though we have different methods and styles and needs; God says "Likewise."